Sunday, April 25, 2010

I will be in white shoes for the rest for the year!

It's only superficial...

Right after my council investiture, I was scheduled for another meeting for Cross-country.

So ironic.

So right now, Cross country is already over! Yay. But wait. I'm a camp exco.

According to schedule, I have about another 15 meetings awaiting. Ha ha. Once a councillor, always a councillor. At least I'm having fun with the bunch of EXCO's.

Had another game of pool with Alvis today at SAFRA. Had great results though, but Alvis was under performing. Reason unsure of.
11-2 7-1 4-3

So overall, I won him 2 games to 1. And I played much better positioning today. =)

Mid year exams. The two language paper are over. Nothing really to celebrate about. There still humanities. The killer.

I'm starting to feel that my phone has one of the worst Internet browser capabilities. Maybe because I have a blackberry and many many iPhone friends, I start to compare. So even if I get a data plan, it does not serve much purpose. So yay, I've gotten over the want for a data plan.

What I want. I really really want is a Predator shaft. Or perhaps, the cue altogether!
Then, a INSTROKE case.
I should be happy by then. Ha ha.

I am predicting the topic in school tomorrow would be the Star Awards. This year's Star Awards is GRAND. All the older female artiste are showing off their 'assets'. Damn.

Uh. I have nothing much to blog about anymore. Bye.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Its 10:55 p.m. now.

I can't believe I had only just returned from SAFRA after another game of pool.
Disappointing results though. 9 ball. Race to 9. Was defeated with a score of 9-5. Damn!
Could have done better.
Learnt some new things too. Realised my stance was full of mistakes.

Anyway, away from Pool. I just wanna share that MONDAYS SUCK TO THE MAX!
Especially with rehearsal till 6.30 p.m. and only to be greeted by a heavy downpour when you are about to leave.

Student's Council Investiture is coming real soon. But they don't seem prepared yet. How?

And I shall make a change to the school. From now on, I will embark on a project to include lockers for all the students Free-Of-Charge! I hope it gets through.

Anyway, life's been boring. SO I have nothing to blog about anymore. Bye.

Macdonald's tomorrow morning!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Earthquakes earthquakes...They keep coming.

Just as I was about to log in to my blogger account, the 6.30 p.m. news are reporting another earthquake in China, Qing Hai province. Magnitude 7.1. What's causing all these earthquakes?
And this adds on as another factor for more people to believe that the world's gonna end in 2012.
I am confident it will not. I will still be happily updating posts on this blog in 2013. Trust me. Time will prove everything.

I hope. Life's full of uncertainty. I may be President of Singapore on the next elections.

Anyway, moving away from world news, school seemed amazingly short today. I don't know why. Probably because I drank Pokka's Premium Milk Green Tea today. Random. But try it. It's nice!

Blah blah blah. Anyway, I just found out the origin of a.m. and p.m. Been using it for ages and not knowing the true meaning behind it.
a.m. actually is an abbreviation for ante meridiem which means before noon in Latin. As such, the p.m. originates from the word post meridiem.

Common knowledge! Ha ha.

And Deddy! Don't think that I've forgotten about you. Mr oldies. Remember I'll dedicate a song to you? Yes


Distractions. I need them desperately.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What a day. The assembly was great with 4E4 performing 'We are the World' by Michael Jackson. Amazing. Haha.

Had Students' Council investiture rehearsal after that. Seriously, I felt so useless there. There was basically nothing to do! But ya...its the last thing Ihave to do for the council. Readers, expect a solemn investiture this time round. We are going for a change! Haha.

After that, it brings me to my pool practice session which I've just came back from. Supposed to be practising alone. However, like most of the times, was approached by another player. Like always, agreed and decided to play punch, 9 ball, race to 5. I was amazed by his cue. Probably an Omin cue, but a Predator Z shaft. Wow.
Anyway, back to the point, I won the race to 5. It was 5-3 I guess. Confidence boost!

So we agreed on 1 more game, but we increased it to race to 7. Damn it. I lost. 7-4. Shall I blame it on my stupid Migraine?

Nah. Wasn't playing real well actually. Got to know that my opponent is actually a Commando, serving his National Service now. Cool.

That brings me to an illness I'm suffering from. I didn't attend school on Tuesday. Had a major headache. So on that night, I went over to the doctor to have my illness diagnosed. He said that it's Migraine. I just smiled and nodded. I didn't know what it was.

Till I went home and did a Wikipedia check. Good god, its effects are pretty scary. Especially to a pool player like me. You'll have severe headaches. Bad enough. You'll feel like puking. Worse. Your eyesight will be affected. That's it. It really freaks me out. And it always happens in school, when I didn't bring my medication. Bless me Tua Peh Gong.

Nothing really much to share about already. Been encountering a hell of an emotional rollercoaster recently. Sometimes I feel so crazy and its a really cool feeling actually. I like it.

And what a date it is for me to start my project-''
It's hard but I'll try.
Fourteen months uh. Wow.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's really pretty scary to see how people whom I've met just a few days ago lying right in the coffin,at the void deck.

Rest In Peace Uncle Andy.

Speaking about this, you never know when someone may die. Perhaps a person that has lunch with you today may be that person's very last meal. The uncertainty freaks everybody out isn't it.
Cherish what I have now and that would be my family and friends.

Leading a stress free life from now on baby! Whoooooo!
Life's not good.

Life's never been good.

Life will never be good.
