Monday, April 28, 2008

a week after

It's been a week since my last post. I have been sick till now which is about more than a week. Goddamn this idiotic flu and cough. I seem to be coughing my lungs out.

In my last post , I mentioned about having the free time after school to maybe revise and hang out. I wan dead wrong. Although i have my free time after school , there is still one main factor that could eat up that period of time which is homework. Homework has not been a real threat to my free time till this recent days. Teachers of almost all subjects have been giving endless amount of homework. Mock exam paper's , revision work , extra lessons. If a teacher happens to read this post , I would like you to know that WE, as students , CANNOT absorb so much knowledge into our brain within such a short period of time.

This will be a short short post as I still have loads of homework to complete. So , to all pitiful homework-bounded souls out there , it will soon be over. When the exams are over , there comes the June holidays where you can freaking spend all your time doing whatever you want.

All the best and yes , FUCK homework.

Monday, April 21, 2008

warming up

Didn't went to school today. Terribly sick at home. The weather is getting warmer and warmer. I really cant stand the heat anymore. I tend to sweat almost every minute , even after my bathes.
I need to get rid of excessive fats in my body. Probably that may cool me down a little. Maybe at the very least twice a week in the gym may get the job done.

School had been a very busy place for me lately. Due to both my upcoming competitions and performance for both student council and NPCC. School seems to be an 10 hours period for me now. My average time for going home from school is about 5-6 p.m. everyday. Really busy. Well now finally , thanks to the exams , CCA stands down , student council activities gonna stop till after exams. I finally can have a nice afternoon to revise on my work and hang out with friends.

Now i can't really seem to make this a long post. Sitting down here typing make my laptop generate heat which is something i can't stand now. So enjoy the new song and have a nice week ahead.