Monday, May 21, 2007

so late(6)

so late(6)

Just how could i escape from all these ghost....holy shit!One after another...I remained under my blanket and chanted a prayer silenty.After 5 mins,i could not bear the warmness in the blanket so i flipped part of it over for fresh was gone!!!hip hip hoooray!!!I wanted to make sure that everything was cleared ot of the house so i checked the living room.As I was approaching the living room,i heard sounds of television drama.I peeked out....what in the world was that...both the pontianak and the ghost i had saw was watching television.What?!

Saturday, May 19, 2007


RESULTS.everybody dreads hearing results.yea...i didn't score well though...but i was really proud proud proud of my best subject for my SA2.81/100.hahas really happy.

And cheer up will score well.just keep on trying.success is 1%inspiration and 99% perspiration.maybe you just need that 1% of inspiration.drama group members.if you have time,give a pat on adelia's back.without her,WE wouldn't have such scores for drama.

And most importantly,pls visit my official Deathnote Guild(maplesea-cassiopiea)blog at ans pls tag

Friday, May 4, 2007

so late(4)

so late(5)

pull on my blanket....what could it be...the pontianak i saw?what the hell.i dare not pull my blankets out to see what was pulling my blanket.I just lay there,scared.the pulling got harder and harder till the whole blanket came off.oh shit!i closed my eyes.there was this soft touch on the base on my feet.i can't resist the temptation anymore but to open my my relief,it wasn't the pontianak but to my horror,it was another ghost...fuck....

stay tuned for so late(5)

Thursday, May 3, 2007


WOOOOTS!!!HAHAHAS!!!SUCCESS!Today's drama was a success...except for vincent forgetting to say a few lines which made us missed out a whole scence,it was great.Especially the part where the blood spilled was gross.Also changed my skin to this current one...yea..hope you guys like it.Once again,thx to all team members for making this drama a success and it also bonded our friendship.THX!


Wednesday, May 2, 2007


wooots!it is supposed to be our drama presentation today but guess wad???miss koh was on mc!wooots!!!shiok.that means it will be tml....hahas.whole class when crazy when they heard this piece of news.hahas.thats all liaos...nothing other day los...

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


stressed out lately.the drama thing is really tiring me out.thx for the help of my fellow team members.special mention adelia ,maharah and vincent.really helped out alot and alot of ideas that you guys gave was pretty helpful.doesnt mean those guys i didnt mention are guys helped exception...clarence tan wenjie.he didnt even bother to try to stay back after school to rehearse.didnt even made an effort to help think for ideas.regretted chosing him in our group.totally pissed off by his attitude.just hope tomorrow will be success!