Saturday, March 27, 2010

Movie Marathon

Had a overnight Horror movie marathon over at Weixuan's house last night. I found it pretty fun though, but I am sure a few found it as a suffering.

I don't know what's going on. A fun Friday night is always accompanied by a boring Saturday. Bored to the max at home. Someone save me.

I'm so bored I don"t even feel like continuing to blog. So bye.

Time is ticking, seconds by seconds, day by day, months by months...

Monday, March 22, 2010


I kinda remember myself making a post about reading blog archives and how much wonderful memories they bring you.

But now, it suddenly turned out to be totally different. Blog archives, be it personal or others, reminds me of the sad past I had, the saddest thing I could ever encounter, how sad people were because of me and how sad the situation turned out to be.

Life isn't that all so perfect after all. It's like you know you are gonna have diarrhea eating Mcspicy, but its just so irresistible that you just got to eat it. Life is always like that. But that's the past I hope. Probably the diarrhea will be gone and I can eat the Mcspicy to my heart's content.

Anyway, had a really really fun Friday night. The birthday celebration was successful! At least that's how I felt. Hope there'll be more days like that to come.

Well ,the inspiration to blog is gone again. Gonna study for my Biology test tomorrow.
Hope I'll pass with soaring colours. =)

You are indeed that irresistible.